Community banks are at a disadvantage to larger institutions when meeting the increasing compliance and operational risk demands. Seldom are community banks able to dedicate a single resource or team to this critical role. Risk appetite impacts banking strategy, capital allocation, and risk and is a shared responsibility across all departments and disciplines. And because every bank and management team assesses risk differently, we design customized ERM programs aligned with your bank’s unique business focus, complexity, and size.
- What is the unique risk appetite that your organization manages?
- How do risk appetite impact business unit objectives when entering a new service or product offering?
- How is risk measured and understood by senior management and board governance?
- How current is organizational knowledge surrounding regulatory landscape changes?
Working with your business leaders and subject matter experts, we will evaluate the cost-benefit of risk management efforts and assist with developing supporting articles such as policy statements, key risk indicator calibration, and summary governance reporting. Together, we create a uniformly understood approach to risk.